Chasing the Wind

          “I the Preacher have been king over Israel in Jerusalem. And I applied my heart to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under
          heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. I have seen everything that is done under the sun,
          and behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind.”
                – Ecclesiastes 1:12-14
     At the beginning of the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon resolved to set out on a mission. He would go and do anything he wanted. He would explore and research like a scientist and try to understand what all is going on with mankind. He would try to examine what everyone on planet earth was either doing or trying to do by nature. In summary, he realized that God had really allotted a poor, miserable, pointless life on earth. It never goes anywhere. It never accomplishes anything.
     Chasing the wind is a metaphor for Solomon’s view on life and human nature. People are always pursuing something. The problem is that they will never have it. And where they get a part of what it is they chase (such as wealth) they pursue other impulses and drives. Solomon was devoted to this effort of striving for achievement and pleasure. He had the means. He had the gift of wisdom. It did not take long for him to see the reality of his situation. It did not take long for him to see how people are. People are vain in their pursuits. They spend their lives chasing the wind.
     I know I fall into this trap. I push and push for accomplishment and success. It will never be enough. I’ve been to Christian conferences that were full of this kind of message. I’ve been fed the idea that I must constantly grow and conquer. I don’t like this. I want to reach people with the Gospel, but it’s not about me. Christ wants me to be motivated by pure love, not personal goals. God, help me to be driven by a genuine love for you and for people. Help me not give in to the temptation to be driven by personal conquests and prideful pursuits.

By Robert Harris and Jason Burke